I'm Lysistrata Szapira, and I'm a Second Life addict.

Is it true that first step on the road to recovery is that confession?   What if I don't want to recover? :P

I have no clue where this blog is going to take me, but I've discovered that my obsession with RL photography has now migrated over to Second Life. I suspect this little partition of pixels will be devoted to fashion, SL tourism, and displays of my snarky sense of humor.  I plan on sharing some of the things I see in SL that make me giggle, snort, giggle-snort, and leave me in awe.

My first official post is about this strange (both in terms of familiarity to me, the landowner, and in terms of BEING strange literally) couple who trespassed on my land, invaded my beach house and proceeded to "get busy" on my bed.  It was so much fun ejecting and banning nekkid people onto the neighboring property.  Little did I know said land was for sale. Little did I know the previous owner had left one of those freebie sex beds sitting half on the beach and half in the water.  How convenient that my security system's eject function dumped them naked as jaybirds into unoccupied land with a sex bed waiting for them. *falls off chair laughing*

From Here to Eternity, this ain't.

Love For Sale, mebbe.

Disclaimer: Flower added to keep Photobucket from deeming it "inappropriate" (they may do it anyway...*shrugs*).

So there you have it. My first official SL blog post.  I've been snarky, I've snorted, I've giggle-snorted (and this template I'm using left me in awe), so I'm ready to roll.

Just not onto that bed in my beach house. I replaced it with one purchased at the Bluebonnet yard sale, since Linden Labs has not yet introduced SLysol.
